Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have a few questions about Tai Chi?

I'm a bit overweight and I was wondering if tai chi is good for weight loss? If so, which style should I be practicing for self defense/fighting, weight loss and flexibility increase? Also, where should I get started? I searched yellowpages and couldnt find an instructor.|||Don't waste your time doing Tai Chi. I have never seen anything other than pot-bellied Masters or wimpy dudes doing it. As an internal art there is no requirement for strength or stamina.

Try Muay Thai, Capoiera, or Taekwon Do.|||there is a really good shaolin school called "shaolin-do". They teach shaolin kung fu and tai chi. Tuition is very affordable, and they have a good curriculum and a solid reputation.

THey have a website with a list of locations (

Any good form of tai chi will improve your flexibility. However, although tai chi can complement weight loss, Tai chi isn't the best way to lose weight for beginners. It can help, but I'd advise taking kung fu or something more cardiovascular.

I lost 20 lbs in a month doing capoeira by going to 2 classes a week. You could look that up if interested. However, I'd still recommend taking tai chi, as well. You can observe capoeira videos on you tube for some reference. You could also google search locations for capoeira and tai chi schools in your area.

Yoga is another excellent way to assist in weight loss and overall health.|||Tai CHis is probably the worst style of all martial arts for weight loss. It is really a good art to learn to keep some bit f flexibility and you can do it well into your old age. but there is almost no sweating or strenuous activity or cardio at all.

I wouldn't even recommend a style to you other than to say that any style I can think of has more ability to help in weight loss that Tai Chi|||Taichi isn't very effective for weight loss. You'll have a better shot at weight reduction with swimming, jogging or simple dieting. Any of the styles can be practiced for self defense or fighting if done right. Yang, Chen, Sun, Wu and Wu are all the same in principle. If you want to find instructors in a specific area, posting your location would help a bit.|||look in feng shui links.|||try muay thai or karate kyokushin|||with a good and authentic tai-chi teacher, you can loss weight, develop grace and good posture and learn self defense through tai-chi.

to find an instructor, we have to know first what part of the world do you live.|||If you can find a San Ti Shi (Sun Tai Chi) place it will give you everything you look for...

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