Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is there a form of tai chi or yoga to accommodate someone who suffers very tight hamstrings and a curved spine?

meaning they can't touch their toes without bending their legs, they can't balance well on one foot, and they aren't flexible.|||Don't know about Tai Chi, but for yoga asana think most would recommend Iyengar yoga.

Named after B. K. S. Iyengar, the style is notable for originating the use of "props" (blocks, straps, folded blankets, and cushions known as bolsters) to assist a practitioner in maintaining the best possible alignment he or she can managed without sacrificing poor form/alignment.

Other words, in Iyengar yoga, having good technique in a pose is much more important than accomplishing a 'perfect' unassisted pose.

(actually, in my opinion, this should be true in all styles of yoga asana, but this perspective is often minimal or missing in the teaching approach of many other style yoga asana styles.)

"There have been many studies performed on the effects of Iyengar yoga on patients with physical problems. In general, Iyengar yoga is useful in physical therapy because it assists in the manipulation of inflexible or injured areas."


If you are within USA, you can look for a Iyengar certified instructor here:

If outside USA, try an internet search using words "iyengar certified instructor," adding the name of your country.



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