Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is tai Chi or yoga good for relieving anxiety?

I suffer from anxiety, where one minor thing can make me feel stressed throughout the day even though in my mind I feel I have nothing to be stressed about.

Would Tai Chi or yoga help? which one would help more? and can I learn them at home?|||People swear by Yoga. You can buy a simple teaching book, or even get one from the library and then move up to the next one.

Yoga only works if you can get your mind to relax. If not, medication is the way to go. There are lots of mild anti-anxiety medications

So you have lots of help available! :) :)|||Hi, I can really relate, I too suffer from extreme anxiety, I cannot tell you much about tai chi but I can definitly recommend Yoga. Yoga has been my saving grace in dealing with my anxiety, Yoga is about 'Union' and even means 'union' which is important in dealing with anxiety. Anxiety often causes us to either detatch from our physical bodies or to go into a hypervigilent awareness of our bodily sensations, Yoga teaches us to balance our body and mind, reconnecting the two in order to have a harmonious balance. I am not sure about you bt I myself and many people with anxiety struggle alot to find a balance, it is usually one extreme or another, Yoga teaches us balance. Often with anxiety there is also a lack of confidence and alot of self doubt, Yoga helps us to rediscover ourselves and love ourselves becoming secure in who we are, Yoga teaches us to be kind to ourselves instead of causing ourselves suffering by our constant worrying. Also anxiety is often future orientated, our worries are generally about the future, What will happen? What if? etc etc Yoga teaches us to remain focused in the current present moment, to live moment by moment, to enjoy every moment for what it is instead of spending our present moments worrying about future moments that may never materialise. I hope this helps and I hope Yoga brings you the peace you desire, I would also recommend meditation and perhaps getting a book on minfulness, these are also things that I have found usefull in my battle against anxiety.

Good Luck

Love and Peace Always Karen|||YES! yoga is for relaxation. i dont know with tai chi but i think you can channel your anxiety there too|||Yes, in fact my anxiety episode started after I had quit Tai Chi. I've never practiced Yoga though.|||I've never done tai chi but yoga is incredibly relaxing and makes you feel really good. You can buy some beginner yoga videos on to get started.

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