Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where to get Tai Chi videos to learn at home?

I want to learn Tai Chi, but no one is offering close to home.

Where's a good place to buy videos(preferably DVDs) of Tai Chi?

Thanks for your help.|||I came across a neat pod cast series teaching the 24 step yang method of tai chi. It's a series of 12 podcasts that break down each movement, also explaining their martial applications.

As always, this should only be a training aid and not a primary source for learning but if it's all you have access to you really are limited in what you'll be able to do.

It's called Tai Chi for Well-Being and it is hosted by Robin Linde.鈥?/a>|||Most book stores like Barnes and Nobles have several Tai Chi DVD for use. I teach Tai Chi and Five Animal Kung Fu and I use Dunn and The Garripolis to suppliment my personal training. Amazon also carries several good DVDs|||first of all i wouldn't suggest learning from home. and there are teachers that aren't advertizing. there is a search engine at that helps you find a teacher of tai chi.

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