Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What are the benefits/The reason behind Tai Chi?

I will hopefully be starting this in September for help with a shoulder problem, but as I don't believe in qi (or ch'i)

What else is Tai Chi for?

What are some other benefits for Tai Chi?

Thank you :)

What else can it help you with or does it do?|||Tai chi has many health and self defense benefits. Tai chi can help increase your flexibility, core strength, teach you proper breathing, helps you relax, teaches coordination, and increases balance. If you find a teacher who teaches from a traditional lineage, they will be able to show you the self defense aspects of tai chi.

Tai Chi is a martial art and its name "Tai Chi Chuan" or more accurately "Taiji Chuan" means grand ultimate fist. It has been incorrectly called tai chi because of its health benefits. It is just in recent times that taiji has been transformed into a health set just for health benefits. The Yang style of taiji shortened the original form to create a set that the public could learn easily and help them gain the above beneifts. Yang stylists still can learn the practical applications of the style though. Be sure that you seek a qualified instructor with a good lineage to assure that you are learning properly. If practiced incorrectly, tai chi can actually hurt you (the knees are particularly vulnerable to injury due to inproper alignment of the stances). Good luck!|||Tai chi is a Martial art but its also used an exercise.It has nothing to do with relaxation,meditation has nothing to do with relaxation either.Meditation is the opposite of relaxation.Tai Chi Energizes you and so does meditation.The Energy that you develop from tai chi practice is called chi ,chi is life force energy.Its the same energy that keeps you alive but with tai chi you cultivate that energy and charge it up like a battery which makes you more powerfull physically.|||Tai Chi is first and foremost a MA. There are too many new age j*rkoffs that teach it as a health exercise that have no idea what its all about. Its like learning basketball just for the dribbling.

It wasnt until the late 19th century that Yang started teaching in Beijing to the rich for its health aspects.

I personally believe that Tai Chi should only be taught as a MA instead of a health exercise but who am i to argue with the millions that it has helped.|||Taiji in a martial sense is great for developing a relationship with your body. Over a long period of time, you will learn how weight distribution affects all of your body's movements and will make almost everything you do physically more effective.

You'll feel more comfortable in how you carry yourself and will be able to control parts of your body in movement more effectively than you were before. Taiji also teaches dynamic relaxation and will make many of your movements faster, as many people tense muscles unnecessarily when trying to go fast.|||It can be used for self defense. Some of those motions are used for striking and some locks. It is mainly used for relaxation, though.|||relaxation.

its slow so its kinda like meditation.

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